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Family Game Night is always a good idea. Whether it serves as a time to just “unplug,” spend some extra family time together, or share a few laughs, there’s a game for any occasion. Check out the video above where our Toy Insider Mom Laurie Schacht provides several fresh suggestions for families of all ages and sizes on ABC World News Now. Let us know your favorites in the comment section below!

Hasbro.Monopoly80thMonopoly 80th Anniversary Edition (Hasbro)

  • Celebrate eight decades of Monopoly history with the anniversary edition of the classic fast-trading property game featuring tokens from the 1930s to the 2000s.
  • With a vintage inspired game board, cards, and tokens, iconic to each Monopoly decade, this new edition takes you back to when it all began.
  • Players have to build houses and hotels, manage their money with every roll of the dice, and see if they can bankrupt everyone else to win the game.
  • Ages: 8+
  • Players: 2-6
  • MSRP: $19.99

Patch.StinkyPigStinky Pig (Patch Products)

  • Poke Stinky Pig’s belly to hear him hum “Pop Goes the Weasel”, then roll the die to see which way to pass him. Do it fast…pass him left, pass him right, roll again…but hurry before he…toots!
  • If you’re holding Stinky Pig when he passes gas, you must take a token. The player with the fewest tokens in the end wins!
  • Ages: 6+
  • Players: 2+
  • MSRP: $14.95

SpinMaster.FamilyChallengeFamily Challenge! (Spin Master)

  • It’s kids vs. adults in four kinds of events: Vision, Agility, Smarts, and Luck.
  • Each card is its own mini-game. Win the most challenges to win the most medals—and win the game!
  • Game includes more than 100 mini-games
  • Ages 6+
  • Players: 2+
  • MSRP: $14.99

RNR.CupaCupCUP-A-CUP (R & R Games)

  • This is a race to catch the cups in a game of quick-thinking and fast hands.
  • Roll the dice, quickly identify the missing colored shape…then swipe the matching cup off the table.
  • But be careful! No cup is safe…they’re all up for grabs! The first person to collect three cups WINS!
  • Ages: 6+
  • Players: 2-4
  • MSRP: $15.95

EducationalInsights.CrazyCerealCrazy Cereal Electronic Game (Educational Insights)

  • Think (break)fast and race to fill your bowl first!
  • Watch your color-changing spoon light up and pick up a piece of cereal with the matching color. If your spoon flashes, pick up two pieces at once!
  • The player who has collected the most cereal when the bowl is empty wins the game.
  • Includes two electronic light-up spoons, one cereal serving bowl, two player bowls, and 45 cereal pieces (may also contain giggles and guffaws). Requires two AAA batteries. For 2 players.
  • Ages 4+
  • Players: 2 (Fast play allows for turn taking between more players)
  • MSRP: $24.99

WiiU_MP10_Bundle_V2Mario Party 10 & amiibo (Nintendo)

  • The latest installment to the Mario Party franchise includes three modes of play: Classic Mario Party, Bowser Party, and amiibo Party.
  • The game lets players take turns, bonk the die, and move around a virtual game board while playing more than 70 different mini-games to earn rewards.
  • In Bowser Party, kids can use the Gamepad to play as Bowser and try to thwart team Mario’s advances toward the star, while up to four Team Mario players try to get the star before losing all of their hearts.
  • Players can use their amiibo in amiibo party mode, which pits up to four players against each other to collect coins around the board and try to get as many stars as possible.
  • Kids can customize their amiibo by picking up different tokens along the way that provide bonuses, like the ability to let you steal coins from other players.
  • Ages: Rated E for Everyone
  • MSRP: $49.99 (Game) $12.99 (amiibo figures)

About the author

Deanna Atkins

Deanna Atkins

Deanna Atkins is the editorial assistant at Adventure Publishing Group. She helps the editorial team on leading trade magazines The Toy Book and The Licensing Book, and contributes online at,, and When she’s not trying to keep up with Toy Insider Mom Laurie Schacht, she can be found reviewing kids’ CDs, DVDs, and books while daydreaming about the upcoming How to Train Your Dragon sequel and reading the dictionary. Follow her on Twitter @Deeeannuh and keep up with her bi-weekly, sometimes funny commentaries on
