
Happy New Year!

It always amazes me how after so many weeks of shopping and wrapping, in what seems like just the blink of an eye- the holidays are over and the New Year is here! And if your family is like mine, every year you find yourself in the same predicament- tons of new toys scattered about rooms that are already over crowded with last years toys.


Before the holiday, I usually involve the kids in making a toy donation of the toys they no longer play with, but try as we might- the first week of the year we are always doing another round.

Today there are so many choices of where you can donate your gently used toys. Below is a list of some places you may want to consider.


  1. – Grandparents (This is always the first place I consider, especially for toys the kids sorta-kinda still like)
  2. – Friends with kids with younger kids
  3. – Local Preschool or Daycare
  4. – Pediatrician Offices and Gyms with Babysitting centers
  5. – Local Library
  6. Local Goodwill
  7. – Your child’s pediatrician’s office.
  8. – Woman’s Shelters
  9. Ronald McDonald House
  10. – “Free Cycle” on  local Yahoo! Groups.

*Remember before making your donation, to check if the toy is in working order and most importantly please be sure to check for toy recalls! You can always check the Toy Industry Association’s site for the latest toy recalls.

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