Goal: $11,053

Funding Period: Until Oct. 12

Creator: Aditya Batura

Potatoes are changing the world once again. No, this is not a post about another way to eat the savory spuds, but rather about a new party game that takes potatoes, transforms them into pirates (potato pirates!!!) and teaches kids about coding. Repeat after me: YASSSSS.

Potato Pirates combines potatoes, programming, and piracy into a carbo-loaded game perfect for the classroom, family day, or even game night with friends. What makes this game unique from other coding games on the market is it’s a card game, with no digital assets whatsoever. It also employs fun whimsical potato characters to help teach kids about a topic not often covered. In just 30 minutes, kids can learn up to 10 hours worth of programming concepts.

To play, there are seven Potato King cards hidden at random in the deck. To obtain these cards, players can roast, mash, and fry other potato pirates, while powering up attacks with programming concepts such as loops and conditionals. The first player to collect all seven cards is deemed Potato King and wins.

Does this sound like your type of foodie-themed game? Potato Pirates launched a Kickstarter campaign to help cook up funds to back the game. Donate at least $2, and you’ll have access to your own potato paper dolls. Donate at least $30 and you’ll get your very own Potato Pirates game.

Click here to support Potato Pirates!

About the author

Kelly Corbett

Kelly Corbett

Kelly is an editorial assistant at Adventure Publishing Group. When she's not writing/playing/thinking about toys, she's probably spilling coffee on herself, laughing at her own jokes, or doing something awkward somewhere. As a quirky redhead, she one time tricked her friends into thinking she was the new face of Wendy's fast-food franchise as a prank. She's not, but a chili lover can dream right? You can follow her on Twitter @kcorbzz.
