Last year, the Barbie Color Reveal dolls from Mattel wowed the world with its unique unboxing experience. When dunking the dolls, the pink paint dissolved in water to reveal one of five Barbies to collect, along with four blind bag fashion accessories.

This year, the Barbie Color Reveal goes bolder. This newest doll delivers an ultra-unique unboxing experience with over 50 surprises. Plus, if you thought revealing one Barbie was a blast, this new set lets you discover a silver-painted Barbie — and her teal-painted sister Chelsea and three Color Reveal pets, too!

In addition to the dolls, there is a long-haired wig, clothing, accessories, scene elements, game, and storytelling pieces to host the ultimate doll dream slumber party!

First, kids start by opening the bucket (that can be used as post-play storage) and emptying the 28 mystery boxes inside. Then kids unravel the play mat, punch out the games pieces from the packaging, and put them together. Once assembled, kids can play the game and unbox packages as instructed. Parents will love the interactive unboxing play.

To begin the revealing revelry, though, kids remove Color Reveal Barbie from the tube, fill the tube with warm water, then insert the doll into the water and swish her around. Once the paint has dissipated, pull out the doll to reveal her features! Do the same to show the looks of the Color Reveal Chelsea doll and each of the three Color Reveal pets. One parenting tip is to do this in a bathtub or a large plastic box to keep the drip drops contained and for easy cleanup. Have some paper towels or hand towel nearby to dry off the dolls and kids’ hands too!

Find the included sponge, dip it in ice-cold water, and create color-change effects on Barbie and Chelsea. Use warm water to transform back. Kids can repeat the action again and again.

Lastly, flip over the game to find a slumber party scene on the other side, and use the additional pieces to play out sleepover stories. The other accessories include pajamas, sleeping bags, a bowl of popcorn, and more for the ultimate slumber party! Kids can punch out one of the child-sized eye masks from the packaging to immerse themselves in role-play experience.

Parents will love that kids can play with a Barbie family in the unboxing escapade, though Barbie fans may be disappointed that there is only one version. However, it is a playset that sparks creativity and imagination when telling sleepover stories!

The only question is: Where is the sleepover going to be?

About the author

Charlene DeLoach

Charlene DeLoach

Charlene DeLoach is a contributing editor at The Toy Insider where she primarily covers parenting topics. Charlene has been featured in print and on television more than 100 times. Before joining The Toy Insider, Charlene was an attorney, real estate broker, and interior decorator. In her current life, she has vowed to get grownups using toys as decor and to teach parents and toy companies to think outside the toy box at her websites and Follow Charlene on Instagram where you'll see that her account is mostly dedicated to pics of her cute dogs, kids, and fun finds.
